Trusting Your Employees To Post Content And Build Their Personal Brand

Trusting Your Employees To Post Content And Build Their Personal Brand
Darren Westall March 8, 2021 Marketing

Putting your trust in your employees to post marketing content and build their personal brand is certainly a marathon, not a sprint. Unless you’re fully invested in the world of digital marketing – such as being a marketer, for example – it’s not something that is going to be fully understood overnight.


Working at a typical recruitment company means that a lot of recruiters are often spinning multiple plates at a time. From posting job adverts and screening candidates over the phone, to taking briefs from clients and searching for the best talent in niche areas, it can definitely be a demanding job with very little down time. That’s why expecting recruiters to spend time sharing content and promoting themselves online might be a little bit far-fetched. (Don’t worry… there’s a solution!)

Educate your recruiters

Before you get recruiters fully on board with how they should build their personal brand, you need to educate them on why it benefits them personally. For anyone outside of the marketing team, the term “personal brand” or any emphasis on sharing content on social media might get the occasional eye-roll. This is simply because recruiters may not understand the full extent of how it can benefit them in the short and long-term.


It usually works by speaking their language. Give examples of entrepreneurs who have built their own personal brand and constantly share content on social media. For recruiters, the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins are good examples to use – they are motivational speakers as well as discussing how to make more money, and they each have a huge online presence. Recruiters will relate to this, as the goal for a lot of consultants is not only to place candidates in jobs, but also to increase their bonuses as a result. 


When you have given them some examples of well-known faces with a strong personal brand, give them examples of how they can do it, too. Use examples such as sharing content on LinkedIn, producing videos of themselves speaking and posting thought-leading blog posts. Not only will this demonstrate to their connections that they are invested in their sector and up-to-speed on what’s what, but it’ll also keep their name and face at the forefront of candidates’ and clients’ minds.

Make it easy to post marketing content

The smoother the process, the easier it is for recruiters to not only share content but also to want to share it. If they’ve got to put in more than a couple of minutes’ effort, it may seem a bit much for someone who already has a never-ending to-do list.


Take a look at how many times per day or week you want employees to post content. If it’s more than once a day, there needs to be an easy, time-saving solution to help them do it consistently. Investing in a software platform that enables them to share content with the click of a button will not only enable them to continue with their recruitment tasks, but will help them build their personal brand in the background as they’re doing it.


Get your marketing team to devise a plan – if there is a content calendar in place, the marketers are probably the people best-placed to create the content for the recruiters. (Asking them to write a blog every week will hit a brick wall pretty quickly.) If the marketing team is able to write and publish blogs on the recruiters’ behalf, and the recruiters only need to record a couple of quick videos per month on their phone, this is a great place to start when developing their personal brand.

Show off the stats

One thing that all recruiters know is numbers and stats. If you have one or two particular recruiters who are already on top of their personal brand, ask them if you can have a look at some of the stats behind their posts to use as an example. If none of them are quite there yet, use your own marketing statistics to show the potential reach of some LinkedIn posts, depending on how many times it has been shared. 


Furthermore, gather some examples from competitors. If your recruiters can see other consultants from similar agencies sharing content and engaging with candidates and clients in the comments, this may encourage them to start building their relationships with their online connections, too.

Give them the reins

If you’ve covered all of the above, now is the time to leave it to them. Trusting your employees to manage their own personal brand shouldn’t involve the marketing team or business owners hounding them to share content each week. As long as you have educated them sufficiently and given them an easy way to make it happen, the rest is up to them. (Plus, some quarterly refresher sessions on personal brand and the importance of content wouldn’t hurt!)

# Tags: Marketing

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