Paiger acquires The Lonely Marketers

Paiger acquires The Lonely Marketers
Paiger Team June 21, 2023 Press Releases

Today we’re announcing that the recruitment marketing community we’ve supported for the last few years is now part of Paiger.


The Lonely Marketers is an amazing professional community, and one which we value incredibly highly. 


Since its inception in 2019, beginning with The Lonely Marketer Podcast, the community has gone from strength to strength. Combining podcasts, regular newsletters, and the core forum of the WhatsApp group paved the way for in-person meetups for recruitment marketers to discuss strategy, tactics, and obviously share a pint or two.


It’s safe to say that many careers have been enhanced by the community, through sharing of resources, ideas, supplier recommendations, and also by assisting each other in filling marketing roles (this is the recruitment industry after all!).


While the WhatsApp group remains incredibly active, with daily questions, answers and conversation, the other parts of the community’s foundation we feel need a bit of a reboot.


And that’s where Paiger comes in.


Glenn has worked tirelessly to create a community that thrives over the last four years. And as VP of Insights, Success & Marketing at Meet, the time has come for others to take the leg work of the events, podcasts and newsletters that built The Lonely Marketers.


What next?

Ultimately, nothing changes. Paiger will be facilitating initiatives to continue Glenn’s work. And he’s going nowhere. As Chairperson of the community, Glenn will be involved and will ensure this community never loses its ethos.


The WhatsApp group will get a tidy-up, with a reimplementation of the directory of group members to make things easier to connect with peers outside the community. If you are not in the group and want access, please click here.


There will be no group member that isn’t a marketer. Not necessarily lonely, but must be a recruitment marketer.


A newsletter will be re-launched, and for ease of subscription and reach we have chosen to do this on LinkedIn, published from The Lonely Marketers page. We’ll bring you the latest marketing news, insights and stories fortnightly. We’ll also use the newsletter to promote member content and jobs in their teams.


With a catalogue of 113 podcast episodes produced, we’re going to record new episodes and will be looking for new guests along with those recruitment marketers that have previously appeared to provide an update on their career journeys as recruitment marketers.


The podcast will be hosted by Kieron, Paiger’s Head of Marketing, so if you have a story to tell, get in touch with him.


We’ll also be doing what Paiger has always done and bringing the food and beers, with events planned for London and Manchester over the coming months. London drinks on the 22nd of June information here.


As a new initiative, we’ll also be hosting a quarterly webinar to share strategic initiatives from the more experienced marketers in the community. We hope this forum opens up some free learning opportunities for all community members that will give them the knowledge to implement marketing approaches that they might not be confident of doing yet. We’ll be kicking this off with a webinar on how Paiger uses LinkedIn Ads for B2B customer acquisition. More details on this one soon. 


Paiger will continue to use this community to announce product updates and to ask for its help in beta testing new features. Other than that, we’re simply here to continue what Glenn started.


Finally, on a personal note, The Lonely Marketers has been a fantastic support for Paiger. Our goal to make recruiters smarter and faster is reliant on recruitment marketers influencing the recruitment companies in the industry. 


We always aim to provide more value than we take, and we’re humbled to have been given this opportunity. My own marketing knowledge has grown tremendously, and you have all fuelled our charity t-shirt efforts with the jazzed-up nonsense you hear on a daily basis from your companies.


We’re as passionate as ever about recruitment marketing and increasing its value in the recruitment industry, so here’s to the end of being known as ‘the colouring in department’.


A final thank you to Glenn, and over to him for a bit more on this partnership.


Glenn, Chairperson of The Lonely Marketers


When I started The Lonely Marketer podcast back in April 2019, I had no idea how much the recruitment marketing world would embrace and help build it into a wonderful, supportive and kind community which included learning huddles, events, resource sharing and a lot of fun.


At the forefront of that championing from the early days was Darren and the team from Paiger. They understood the values that were important to me and all those who chose to be a part of this special group. Candidness, safe spaces, added value and no pushy sales messages.


With the world entering another period of rapid change and uncertainty, communities like TLM need the time and resources available to them to support its members. This is something I personally cannot commit to 100% any more, and it’s only fair that I looked at ways people could get the community they deserved.


With Paiger acquiring TLM, I am confident that its values will be upheld, and the opportunity for people to learn and share will only get greater and the reputation of recruitment marketing will only be enhanced.


I’m honoured that Darren has asked me to stay on in a chairperson role, and looking forward to being involved in the next chapter of recruitment marketing’s best community out there.


The podcast episode


Darren interviews Glenn about the origins of The Lonely Marketers and where it goes to next here.

# Tags: Press Release

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