Why You Should Be Using Your Recruiters’ Networks To Attract Candidates

Why You Should Be Using Your Recruiters’ Networks To Attract Candidates
Jenny Brown April 20, 2022 Recruitment

We will continue to shout it from the rooftops until there’s not a single recruiter out there who isn’t aware of the importance of utilising their LinkedIn network as part of their candidate attraction strategy. 


LinkedIn is invaluable to recruiters in 2023. Take a step back and look at it for exactly what it is: an online network of professionals from almost every sector you can think of, from both a candidate and client perspective. It would be foolish to not try every possible way to contact prospects using LinkedIn.

Building a valuable network

To begin with, you need to ensure your network is as valuable as it can possibly be. This involves consistently connecting with people in the industries, sectors and locations you are targeting, as well as engaging with these people. You don’t need to send them countless inbox messages – quite the opposite, in fact. When you connect with someone, send a brief introductory message to say hello, and following this simply interact with your connections via the content they share, and the content you are sharing. 


For example, sharing your own content or external content that will be of interest to candidates in a particular sector may gain some traction in the form of likes, comments and shares. Keep an eye on the people engaging with your posts, and be sure to stay in contact with them.

Building your LinkedIn online presence

LinkedIn is a great tool to build a powerful personal brand and boost your online presence. However, there’s far more to it than that. When you think of the candidate journey as a whole and the different channels used at every stage in order to drive candidates seamlessly back to your website, social media is vital in most stages.


For example, simplified candidate journey channels can look like this:

  • Awareness - LinkedIn content, job boards, social media posts, networking events, email
  • Consideration - LinkedIn job adverts, social media posts, viewing videos on your careers site, email
  • Interest - LinkedIn content, LinkedIn job adverts, social media posts, blog, video, download eBook from marketing email
  • Application - LinkedIn, careers site, email
  • Selection - Email, phone, office meeting
  • Hire - Phone, email, office meeting, LinkedIn announcement post


The importance here is that the candidate journey includes various channels and touchpoints for people within your organisation to be in contact with them, but the journey back to your website must always be seamless.




It’s simple. 


Always ensure there are contact details, Calls-To-Action (CTAs) and website links included where possible. For example, LinkedIn job adverts and social media posts should always have a link back to a relevant page on your website. Networking events are a great opportunity to get people’s details and connect with them on LinkedIn. Advertising jobs on external job boards should always include your contact details where possible, as well as a link back to your website for candidates to apply.


As long as every touch point gives the candidate the opportunity to continue their journey no matter which stage they are at, is how you will not only utilise your networks effectively, but also increase your brand awareness and encourage others within your business to do the same.

Get in touch

Here at Paiger, one of the many tricks up our sleeve is our auto-posting of jobs and content to LinkedIn and other social channels. Not only will this increase your online presence and engagement, but it’ll also drive traffic back to your website. Book a demo here.

# Tags: Recruitment

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