Why You Need a Personal Brand in B2B Sales

Why You Need a Personal Brand in B2B Sales
Paiger Team January 9, 2023 Marketing

Having a personal brand is one of the most important aspects of success for any business-to-business (B2B) salesperson. Personal branding is the way an individual presents themselves to others. It is a combination of their values, skills, and experiences that are used to set them apart from their competition. It is also a way to build trust with potential customers and establish credibility.


Personal branding has become increasingly important in the modern digital world. Statistics show that having a strong personal brand can significantly increase credibility and sales performance. Furthermore, it can open up more connections and opportunities and make salespeople more visible and recognisable.


In this blog, we will explore the importance of personal branding for B2B salespeople and provide steps to help create a successful personal brand.

Benefits of Having a Personal Brand

1. Increased Credibility

Having a personal brand can help salespeople establish credibility and trust with potential customers. According to a survey by LinkedIn, 83% of customers said that they prefer to do business with people they know and trust. Furthermore, a study from the University of Missouri found that customers are more likely to purchase from someone they believe to be credible.

2. Improved Sales Performance

According to research from LinkedIn, 69% of salespeople with a personal brand saw an increase in their sales performance. Furthermore, a study from the University of Arizona found that salespeople with a personal brand are more likely to close more deals.

3. More Connections and Opportunities

72% of salespeople with a personal brand said that they had more opportunities (according to a survey by LinkedIn). Furthermore, a study from the University of Washington found that salespeople with a personal brand were more likely to be offered better deals and opportunities.

4. Increased Visibility and Recognition

Having a personal brand can also help increase visibility and recognition. Research by LinkedIn states that 76% of salespeople with a personal brand said that they had more visibility. Furthermore, a study from the University of California found that salespeople with a personal brand were more likely to be recognized as leaders in their industry.

Steps to Create a Successful Personal Brand

Creating a successful personal brand is not an easy task, but it can be done with the right steps. Here are some steps to help create a successful personal brand:

1. Identify Your Core Values

The first step to creating a successful personal brand is to identify your core values. Your core values are the fundamental beliefs that you have and will guide the way you conduct yourself and your business. Identifying your core values will help you create a message that resonates with your audience and will help you stand out from your competition.

2. Develop Your Message

The next step is to develop your message. Your message is the story that you tell about yourself and your business. It should be clear and concise and should reflect your core values. Developing a message that resonates with your audience will help you create a successful personal brand.

3. Leverage Digital Platforms

Once you have identified your core values and developed your message, the next step is to leverage digital platforms. Digital platforms, such as social media, can be used to reach a larger audience and help spread your message. Leveraging digital platforms will help you create a successful personal brand.

4. Create Engaging Content

Creating engaging content is another important step in creating a successful personal brand. Engaging content can include blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and more. Creating engaging content will help you capture the attention of your audience and will help you build a successful personal brand.

5. Network and Engage with Your Audience

The final step is to network and engage with your audience. Networking and engaging with your audience will help you build relationships and trust. It will also help you stay top of mind with your audience and will help you create a successful personal brand.


Personal branding is an important aspect of success for any B2B salesperson. It can help increase credibility and sales performance, open up more connections and opportunities, and make salespeople more visible and recognisable. Additionally, there are several steps that can be taken to create a successful personal brand, such as identifying core values, developing a message, leveraging digital platforms, creating engaging content, and networking and engaging with your audience.

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# Tags: Marketing

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