Why Consistency Is Key On LinkedIn

Why Consistency Is Key On LinkedIn
Paiger Team October 8, 2022 Marketing

Consistency Is Key. We’ve all heard the phrase, but what does it mean when it comes to LinkedIn? 


LinkedIn is all about getting your personal brand out there by growing your network and building relationships, and any relationship takes time and commitment. Users who post on LinkedIn at least once a week get 4x the number of clicks per share than those who post infrequently. 

We’ve broken down LinkedIn posting into the Three C’s – Content, Context, and Consistency, to help you balance quality and quantity, to successfully build your personal brand.

1. Content

Whatever your niche or industry, your content should be audience-focused, easy to follow and provide value to your network. 


Start small; don’t try to reinvent the wheel – not all content has to be innovative and perfect right off the bat. Offer your insights on an existing industry-specific article, share an infographic, or repurpose an old post’s content that you have enjoyed on your feed.


Once you’ve gotten into the habit of posting, you can start switching up your content with:


End all your posts with hashtags – the optimal number is 3-5, using a mix of broad and niche hashtags which are highly followed and relevant to your post topic.

2. Context

Your content should be consistent in frequency, but also in messaging. Identifying your niche and offering context to your audience keeps you fresh in their minds, as your network will eventually begin to associate you with your message, and vice versa. 


This is where you stop the scroll and provide your audience with value. The average attention span is just 8 seconds long, so your message needs to be audience-focused and enticing to quickly grab attention. Offer context about why you are posting what you are posting, what it can offer your network, and how it impacts others in your sector. 

Another important piece of context is a persuasive Call To Action (CTA). What do you want your audience to do? Are you seeking opinions, likes, comments, or to be contacted? Or do you want to redirect them to an external outbound link, sign-up, or something else? Adding a CTA increases conversion rates by 83%. Keep it consistent with your message to start strongly reinforcing your brand.

3. Consistency

Consistency is key because posting irregularly will cause the algorithm to downgrade your content. Find the right balance for you. 


20 posts a month, or once a day, can help you reach 60% of your network


The less frequently you post, the less likely it is your network will see anything you do put out. But being too frequent can have its consequences – any more than twice a day and the LinkedIn algorithm spreads your reach too thin, tanking your overall engagement


LinkedIn prefers daily posting, a maximum of twice, but consistency is more important than frequency. As long as you aren’t spamming your network, regularly posting 2-3 times a week on the same days is better than sporadically sprinkling in bursts of many posts here and there. 


The best times to post on LinkedIn are 8am-11am Tuesday & Thursday, as a general guide, but posting days and times are not a one-size-fits-all situation. Your network or target audience may be more active late at night, or at weekends, depending on your niche. Plan ahead for when is best for you and stick to it consistently for the best results.


Don’t forget to stay consistent after you’ve posted, especially within the first hour, then 24 hours, to maximise your reach. Create a discussion and interact with your network by liking and commenting. Fun fact: comments on a post can boost your reach by giving it 12+ views, and have 12x the impact of likes/reactions.

Get in touch

Paiger is more than just a social scheduling tool. Keep consistent by planning and scheduling in advance, whilst your assistant sends you daily content ideas, suggestions, and ready-made posts. Tag people and perform hashtag research to optimise the algorithm and grow your online presence. Get in touch and book a demo today.

# Tags: Marketing

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