When Is The Right Time To Outsource Your Marketing?

When Is The Right Time To Outsource Your Marketing?
Darren Westall April 27, 2021 Marketing

Knowing when is the right time to outsource your marketing as a small to medium sized recruitment company is tricky. No matter who you ask, whether it’s friends, colleagues or LinkedIn connections, you will receive a wide variety of responses. (Not to mention if you venture down the route of asking Google.)


The best way to decide when the right time is for your particular business, is to review the below checklist and weigh up your options at the end.

1. Is my website receiving enough traffic and conversions?

We know – what does “enough” mean? There is no right or wrong answer to that question, but if you think your website isn’t receiving many visitors, or you haven’t had any candidates or clients complete any forms on your website for a few weeks, the chances are your website isn’t performing as well as it could be.


A lot of time and effort needs to be spent into looking at why your website isn’t appearing in SERPs, or why nobody is converting once they land on the site. It could be a content issue, a tech SEO problem, or the design could simply be a bit outdated and uninviting. Whatever it is, if you’re looking for your website to bring in more leads, the likelihood is that you need to outsource your marketing.

2. Is my content up to scratch?

Gone are the days of recruitment websites looking like job boards. Of course, all recruitment websites need to advertise all their live jobs, but this is simply one section of the site itself. If your content isn’t up to scratch, it’s highly likely that you’ll be falling behind in comparison to your competitors. 


If you have the time yourself to write all your own website copy and a couple of blogs a month, great! However, given that recruitment is probably one of the busiest jobs out there, we doubt this is the case. Research, writing, proofreading and editing blogs alone can be more time consuming than it sounds, not to mention that the content on the rest of your website needs to be SEO-friendly, too.


If you haven’t thought about the impact of your content or whether it’s where it needs to be, have a read of what’s currently on your website. Then, take a look at a few competitor sites. If you start to think that perhaps you need some help with your content, this could be another sign that it may be time to outsource your marketing.

3. Do I have time to manage social media channels?

Depending on the size of your recruitment company, along with your target audience and the sectors you recruit in, you may not engage with every social media platform there is on offer. For example, some companies go the whole nine yards and cover Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and most recently, Tik Tok. Other businesses may simply opt to only focus on their LinkedIn company page and sponsored content on the one platform. 


Whatever it is your business is currently doing on social media – do you think it’s enough? Are you posting regular, scheduled content, targeted at specific demographics? Are you engaging in conversations on social media, or simply shouting into the abyss? Are your recruiters on board with sharing all company content, too? If a few of these points hadn’t even crossed your mind, it could be time to outsource your marketing.


Social media is a full time job in itself – as are all marketing disciples, to be truthful. However, having a strategy behind your social media presence and a purpose behind what you post is far more valuable than posting on a few channels every now and then for the sake of it.

4. Is my business growth going according to plan?

One way to truly determine whether or not you should be outsourcing your marketing or not is to look at if your business goals are currently on or above target. If not, the safest way to get to where you want to be is to invest in your marketing strategy. Speak to a few different marketing agencies that specialise in recruitment marketing, and ask for their opinion on how they could get you to where you need to be.


It may sound like a simple solution, but be sure you like, understand and trust the business you decide to work with. If it turns out to be a great working relationship (which hopefully it will!) it could be a lifelong business partnership. Never underestimate the return that marketing can bring to your recruitment company.

# Tags: Marketing

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