What To Post On LinkedIn

What To Post On LinkedIn
Paiger Team August 12, 2022 Marketing

Seeking out post ideas for LinkedIn? There’s more to it than you’d think. When writing a post for LinkedIn, it’s not as simple as typing whatever is on your mind, pressing post, sitting back, and forgetting about it. 


Formulating ideas around the LinkedIn Algorithm offers the best of both worlds: an excess supply of top-notch content that performs well, boosts your algorithmic engagement, and grows your online presence. 


But quality over quantity is central to coming up with LinkedIn post ideas.

Decide your aim

First, it’s important to work out your aims for your post. LinkedIn is as much of a social platform as it is a professional one, and striking a balance between the two should drive your content. So ask yourself, what are you attempting to convey, and how do you want your audience to react? 


Generally, there are four categories of LinkedIn post ideas:

  • Personal Posts - anything that puts you or someone else as the topic, such as a real-life event, an opinion, or a situation
  • Value Posts - marketing-focused content that aims to deliver as much professional value as possible, such as a whitepaper, infographic, or survey
  • Company Posts - product or service-related content that talks about the benefits and problem-solving elements of your business
  • Industry Posts - anything in your sector’s area of interest that was written by someone other than yourself or your company, such as a news article or blog post


It’s a good idea to have a mix of all four, though you may lean towards regularly posting some types more than others depending on your industry, network, and target audience.

Use the algorithm to your advantage

Whatever you choose to write about, your main goal should be to maximise dwell time. Dwell time is the amount of time a person spends on your post before scrolling away. LinkedIn users scan posts quickly, and reading online is 25% slower than print. No matter your post content, one of your biggest tasks is convincing someone to press that ‘see more’ button. 


Once you have identified which category you want to post about, consider your message. All posts should be audience-focused, written in an attention-grabbing way that stops them scrolling and provides them with some kind of value. Offer context about why you are posting what you are posting, and what significance it has to others in your sector. 


All posts should have some kind of Call To Action. It can either be internally-related – encouraging likes, comments, and connection requests – or externally-related – encouraging contact, following outbound links, and more. 


You should also consider what kind of interaction you want to get – a re-share is pointless, a like is nice, a comment is everything. This is because reshares provide the original author with engagement rather than yourself, likes trigger the algorithm that people are enjoying your content, and comments (when compared to likes) lead to 12x the views


(Beware – LinkedIn considers posts that ask for interaction spam, which ranks your post lower in the algorithm, so don’t be too pushy!) 


Another rule to follow: don’t post and ghost. LinkedIn measures initial engagement to see if it’s worth pushing your post, so keep interacting with your network and beyond within the first 24 hours as they interact with you to boost your reach.


In summary:

  • Increase dwell time
  • Keep your audience central to your post
  • Provide value
  • Include a Call To Action
  • Encourage interaction (without being spammy)
  • Don’t post and ghost

20 LinkedIn post ideas

With all that in mind, consistently coming up with successful posts will be much easier. 


Here’s 20 LinkedIn post examples/ideas to get you started


These easy creative Linkedin post ideas should get the ball rolling for more engaging and specific post ideas tailored to your market and audience. Not everyone has the time or expertise to work with the algorithm to deliver consistent quality content that’s unique and engaging.

Get in touch

Paiger is more than a social scheduling tool – posting effectively on LinkedIn is at the core of what we do, and we’ve specialised in helping recruitment companies since we started out. Whether it’s our content curation or auto job posting tools that will help you get your recruitment marketing strategy off the ground, we’re here to help. Book a demo with us today.

# Tags: Marketing

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