Recruitment Marketing Strategy for 2022

Recruitment Marketing Strategy for 2022
Darren Westall January 1, 2022 Marketing

We are now into the first quarter of 2022, which means your recruitment marketing strategy for the year ahead should be planned and underway. However, if you’re still looking to finalise your objectives for the months ahead, don’t panic. Below, we’ve created a checklist of important points to ensure you don’t miss a trick and stay ahead of the curve.

Brand Awareness

How prominent is your brand online? The first thing you need to do before planning your marketing strategy is to analyse what you already have. How much content are you sharing on your website and social media? Is it reaching the right people? Is all content you put out on brand and consistent?


You may take a look at last year’s updates and realise that not everything is consistent as it could have been. The key to maximising on brand awareness is to take a step back and look at your website, social media platforms and all communication – does it all look similar? Is your logo always visible? Put yourself in a consumer’s shoes. The ideal is to get to a point where a hiring manager, business owner or candidate looks at a piece of your content online and instantly knows where it has come from.


Plus, candidates are researching recruitment companies not only to find jobs but also to see who’s the best out there to work with. Ensure all your messaging stays consistent, and encourage current and past candidates and clients to leave reviews, whether it’s on your website, Glassdoor or elsewhere.

Social Media

We understand – sometimes social media can be a little overwhelming. Trying to stay on top of something that is constantly in flux can seem like a never-ending battle. All you need to do is to work on what you already have before you move onto the next thing.


For example, you may have been asked internally if you’re going to include TikTok and Instagram Reels in your marketing strategy for 2022. However, before you start trying to figure out new channels, have a look at what you already have. Is your LinkedIn company page up to scratch? Is your Facebook page being utilised properly? Are you ensuring all your company videos are being uploaded onto YouTube and optimised properly?


If you’re trying to spin too many plates at once, you’ll be spreading yourself too thinly. Make sure your current social media platforms are up to scratch and you’re engaging with your audience every day. Once the basics are ticking over, you can have a look at other avenues later in the year.


In a nutshell – become an expert at the basics before trying to keep up with everyone else. Just because a competitor is on TikTok doesn’t necessarily mean that’s going to bring you more business if you try it, too.

Content and SEO

First things first – do your research. Look at what other companies are doing with their content – start with your competitors, then have a look at what businesses in other sectors are doing. Is there anything that you like the look of, that inspires you to do something similar? If so, make a note of it, and this can be incorporated into your content marketing strategy for 2022.


Secondly, assess what you already have. Which pieces of content in 2021 were the most successful? What did your audience engage with the most? The key is to look for ways to encourage conversation with businesses and candidates. If there are particular pieces of content your target audience responds well to, make sure you maximise this going forward.


Lastly, ensure your SEO is up to date. Complete a site audit as soon as possible, and update your site where it’s lacking. And, of course, double-check that all your new content is optimised properly. Your content needs to sound natural and be easy for your audience to understand and digest, but it also needs to include all relevant keywords and tags.

Involve Your Recruiters

2022 is the year to get the recruiters on board. (If they’re already on board, lucky you!) If you have department meetings involving both recruiters and marketers, now is the time to make it crystal clear to your recruiters that you need them on side this year for marketing to reach its true potential.


Understandably, not all recruiters see the value in marketing the way we do – that’s because some of them have never had to use marketing before. However, that won’t last much longer, so now is the time to educate them on why they should be sharing all your company content. If possible, get a few examples of content you shared last year that the sales staff shared, and how many people visited your website as a result of that. If they can see the data and how many people were reached by increasing the amount of shares and engagement, they’ll be far more likely to get involved in the future.


Contact Paiger today to find out how we can help your business tell as many people as possible about your brand.

# Tags: Marketing

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