Where do I start?

Where do I start?
Paiger Team June 18, 2022 Marketing

If you are starting out with either a) a relatively new recruitment agency, or b) a well established agency with little to no marketing experience, now is the time to learn how to best market your organisation. 


Trust us – a recruitment company without any marketing efforts in 2023 will only get so far.


Wondering where you should start? We’ve got you.

First of all - what’s your aim?

The best place to start is to look at what your goal is with marketing your recruitment company. Are you looking for more candidates, clients or employees? Or are you looking for all three? Pinpointing precisely who your target audiences are is vital, as this will orchestrate the types of content you produce. 


Let’s break this down. Here we use a tech recruitment company as an example – use the following questions as a guideline checklist to kickstart your marketing strategy:


1. What is your overall goal with marketing?


E.g. New client business, finding new candidates in niche tech markets, attracting potential employees to work at your recruitment company


2. Who are your target audiences?


E.g. Tech start-up business owners, front end developers, tech recruitment consultants


3. What sector(s) do you recruit in? 


E.g. UK tech sector – mainly JavaScript, React, jQuery and Swift developers in London, Manchester and Birmingham


4. What types of content will your audiences engage with?


E.g. A blog about how tech start-ups can scale their business, a video about the latest programming language employers are looking for, a video of one of your consultants talking about why they like working at your company


5. Where are your audiences online?


E.g. All audiences are on LinkedIn, candidates are also on GitHub and Stack Overflow 


6. What are your competitors doing?


E.g. Share blogs on LinkedIn, post videos of themselves to announce new roles they’re recruiting for, comment on client posts to engage in discussions, interact with developers on Stack Overflow 

What to post on LinkedIn 2023

No matter which industries or sectors you work in, utilising LinkedIn is absolutely crucial, particularly as 87% of recruiters regularly use the platform. Not only will it help you build a network of potential clients, candidates and employees, but you’ll also be able to connect with existing clients and candidates and stay up to date with what they’re doing, as opposed to only communicating with them via email or phone.


Knowing what to post on LinkedIn can seem a bit alien to people who aren’t used to sharing their own content or engaging with people online regularly, but once you get the hang of it, LinkedIn is a doddle.


Always keep in mind who you are targeting, who you want to engage with your posts, and ultimately what your aim is.


Here are a few LinkedIn post ideas to get you started:

  • Posting industry-relevant blogs and news articles - they will be relevant to both your clients and candidates, and will demonstrate your interest and commitment to the sectors you work in
  • Posting videos of yourself talking - not for everyone, but worth a try if you have some jobs you want to talk about - videos are the preferred content format on LinkedIn, with 59% of executives saying that if content was found in both video and written format, said they would choose to consume it via video
  • Writing a status update about industry insights - simple status updates are still winning, particularly if they are about something everyone in the industry is talking about - try asking your connections a question, and tag people in the comments if you want to get the conversation going
  • Sharing posts about your personal life - posts on LinkedIn don’t always have to be business-related - feel free to share things to do with your hobbies or family life, as showing your human side will help clients and candidates see you for who you really are, and not just your business persona
  • Sharing photos of your office or WFH space - talking about where you work and why you like it is great from an EVP perspective

New recruitment company marketing strategies

If you map out the above and get the hang of it, you’ll be on the right track. Just make sure your website is fit for purpose, your social channels are active, your personal brand is a work in progress and your recruiters are using LinkedIn as part of their daily routine at work. When all that is boxed off and the conversations begin on LinkedIn, the leads will start rolling in.

Get in touch

Paiger is more than a social scheduling tool – posting effectively on LinkedIn is at the core of what we do, and we’ve specialised in helping recruitment companies since we started out. Whether it’s our content curation or auto job posting tools that will help you get your recruitment marketing strategy off the ground, we’re here to help. Get in touch for a free demo.

# Tags: Marketing

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