Are You Doing Everything You Can To Maximise Your Recruiters’ ‘Selling Time’?

Are You Doing Everything You Can To Maximise Your Recruiters’ ‘Selling Time’?

When it comes to maximising your recruiters’ selling time, there are various factors to take into consideration. For example, do you know specifically what each recruiter has to do on a day-to-day basis? (You may have a good idea, but it’s highly likely there are a few things you might not know.)


We understand why recruitment company owners and recruitment managers want to ensure their recruiters are spending as much time as possible speaking to candidates and clients in order to fill roles and bring on new business, but there is a lot of administrative and time-consuming tasks in most recruiters’ daily schedules.


Let’s unpack this.

Where can time be saved in a recruiter’s day?

To streamline your recruiters’ day, you need to understand where time is being spent on tasks that can be automated, outsourced, delegated or eliminated altogether.

For example:

Posting job adverts

An often overlooked but very important part of a recruiter’s day. Many recruiters will go straight to their existing talent pool to find candidates – understandably – but posting a job advert for each role they’re recruiting for will bring in a fresh wave of talent that they may not have unearthed previously. If your recruiters aren’t experts at writing job adverts, ask your marketing team to check them over before they go live or outsource them to a content writer who can turn around a job advert in an hour. Make sure your recruiters are also using a job aggregator so they aren’t posting adverts to every individual platform, and utilising a platform to auto-post job adverts is always a great way to save time.

Searching for CVs

Another time consuming but necessary task. Scrolling through hundreds of CVs can take up a huge chunk of a recruiter’s day, especially if it’s for a niche role in a specific location. A great way to collate a manageable number of relevant CVs is to post on LinkedIn about specifically what you’re looking for – such as certain skills and sector experience the client is looking for – and include your contact details in the post. While you’re searching your company database, you’ll also be receiving CVs in your inbox.

Formatting CVs

Ensuring CVs look presentable, professional and on-brand is another time-consuming process that can be taken off a recruiter’s to-do list to maximise their selling time. Consider outsourcing this to someone, finding a tool that can automate the process or ask if a member of the internal admin team is able to ensure all CVs are uniformed before they go over to clients.

Arranging calls with candidates

Ringing a candidate and them answering on the first phone call is like Russian Roulette. If they answer, great – if not, you could be playing a game of phone tag with them all day. Instead, if they don’t answer, simply send them a Calendly link and they can book a time slot with you for you to call them.

Arranging interviews with clients

Similarly, arranging a time where both a candidate and a client is available for an interview can result in a lot of back and forth via email. Instead of your recruiters spending one too many hours on admin tasks when they could be maximising their selling hours, using a calendar tool such as Calendly enables you to keep interview arrangements as streamlined as possible.

Creating social media content

Writing blogs, creating videos, making images – it is all time consuming yet necessary for recruiters in 2023. When it comes to social selling and social recruiting, ensuring recruiters are consistently sharing content and engaging with their LinkedIn network is one of the most important responsibilities. Ask your marketing team to assist your recruiters by creating interesting, industry-focused content, or work with an external recruitment marketing company to create content for your recruiters. Alternatively, tell them about tools such as Canva where they can create their own branded images in minutes.

Building your personal brand

A huge part of social media recruiting is leveraging your personal brand, particularly on LinkedIn. However, this can take time, effort and consistency, and many recruiters find it difficult to keep the momentum going with posts and engagement. Instead of taking the time to post something on social media every day – not to mention coming up with something interesting to post in the first place – scheduling content ahead of time is ideal for recruiters. Using a social scheduling platform that can also curate content based on industry or topics of interest can save recruiters a significant amount of time.

Get in touch

Our platform not only offers auto-posting of jobs, social media scheduling, content curation and a whole host of other useful bits and bobs – that’s just the beginning. If you are looking for a way to save your recruiters a big chunk of time in their weeks to maximise their selling time, get in touch with Paiger for a demo

# Tags: Recruitment

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