What’s More Important – Your LinkedIn Company Page or Your Consultants’ Personal Profiles?

What’s More Important – Your LinkedIn Company Page or Your Consultants’ Personal Profiles?
Paiger Team February 28, 2023 Marketing

The truth is, both your recruitment company’s LinkedIn company page and your consultants’ personal LinkedIn profiles serve a purpose.


Both are important, useful and necessary.


As long as they’re used properly, that is.


However, over the last few years it’s become increasingly apparent that recruiters’ personal branding and utilising their individual LinkedIn profiles is often far more beneficial from a marketing and recruitment perspective than distributing content on your company’s LinkedIn page.


Let us explain.

Why LinkedIn company pages are important

We aren’t saying you should get rid of your company page altogether.


Quite the opposite, actually.


It’s a great place to distribute all your company content, along with news updates, internal announcements, comment on industry topics and so on. If someone sees something valuable on their LinkedIn feed and it happens to be relevant to them, and your company name and logo is attached to it, this is a great brand awareness tool.


However, this is where we want to point out the operative phrase: brand awareness.


Aside from this, your LinkedIn company page is unlikely to generate a significant amount of engagement from your target audiences or leads, for that matter, because it is just that: a company page.


Not a person.


Most recruiters will be well aware by now that the content they share on LinkedIn fosters far more conversation with their clients and candidates than the company page posts ever have.


Along with brand awareness, having a LinkedIn company page that is connected to your website and has content being regularly shared on it is going to have a positive impact on SEO. If you Google your company name, it’s likely that your LinkedIn company page will appear in the SERPs above your website.


For that reason alone we recommend that you keep your company page regularly updated, without focusing too much time and energy on it.

Why recruitment consultants’ profiles are more important than a company page

Here’s the good bit.


Recruitment consultants’ personal LinkedIn profiles are far more valuable than you could ever imagine. The options for what they can do with their LinkedIn profiles is almost endless.


To save you some time, here’s a very condensed list of what recruitment consultants can do through their own LinkedIn profiles:


  1. Connect with potential candidates
  2. Connect with potential clients
  3. Nurture potential candidates and clients through relevant content and discussions
  4. Comment on posts relevant to their industries or sectors to increase engagement with a wider network
  5. Generate discussions on industry topics, as well as light-hearted topics, in order to garner trust
  6. Distribute a wide range of content including blogs, videos, images, photos, personal posts, event invitations, surveys and newsletters
  7. Send InMails to potential clients and candidates
  8. Discuss client and candidate testimonials in posts to encourage others to want to work with you
  9. Distribute thought-provoking posts that will generate interest, discussions and queries


Now, you may be wondering – can’t I do all or most of that via my company page? Well, the answer is yes.


But there’s one key thing to remember here: 


People like connecting with other people.


You are far more likely to generate conversations and valuable interactions with another person on LinkedIn through sharing content that is tied to your own name and photo of your face, than you are with sharing content via your company page alongside your company name and logo.


Professionals on LinkedIn want to know that they are talking to another person in their industry, or someone who at least knows and understands their industry, to ensure that they are spending their time wisely and connecting with people who will be beneficial to them.


These professionals are far less likely to spend time and energy commenting on company page posts on LinkedIn, given that they don’t know the name of the person sharing the content, or what they look like.


Personal branding should be one of the top priorities for recruiters in 2023, and LinkedIn is the best place to start.


Food for thought.

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# Tags: Marketing

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