I Have A New Website, Now What?

I Have A New Website, Now What?
Darren Westall November 22, 2021 Recruitment

To all the recruitment businesses planning or launching new websites – we applaud you! There are far too many companies out there avoiding updating their recruitment websites, despite them being outdated, clunky and unappealing to candidates and clients and even new staff members.


Whether you’re simply in the planning phase of investing in a new website, or you’re already through the hard part and you’re about to launch, there’s a number of things for you to consider. Make sure you have the following points on your website launch checklist:

1. Make sure your tech is tip-top

Hopefully you have worked with, or are planning to work with, a brilliant digital agency or web developer who has already mapped this all out for you. Ensuring your tech is top-notch when it comes to planning a new website is absolutely essential.


Of course, making sure your website looks great and does what you want it to do is extremely important, too. However, if your tech (like your CRM for example) isn’t aligned with your shiny new website, all it’ll do is look good and not much else. And is that really worth the investment?


First of all, recruitment agency websites need to be SEO-friendly. If you’re not sure what you should be looking for in terms of tech SEO, ask your digital agency or the developer you’re working with about the following:

  • Setting up Google Analytics (and a Google business page if you haven’t already)
  • Setting up Google Search Console
  • Creating and submitting a sitemap
  • Ensuring your site is crawlable
  • Ensuring the pages on your site can be indexed
  • Ensuring you’re using HTTPS
  • Checking the site speed
  • Checking your site is responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Using short, well-worded URLs
  • Writing compelling title tags and meta descriptions
  • Optimising your images
  • Adding schema markup
  • Adding internal links

2. Tell the world about your new site

What’s the point in getting a savvy new website and ensuring the tech is all up to scratch if you aren’t going to shout about it from the rooftops?


First of all, communicate it with your candidates and clients. Send an email campaign to tell all candidates and clients on your database about your new and improved site. Plus, you could send a separate email to current candidates and clients who you have placed with recently and ask them to leave a Google review. 


Secondly, you could contact local press and industry-relevant publications, as well as recruitment publications, to ask them to share a press release or short article about your new website. For the local angle, be sure to mention how useful your website will be for local people when searching for jobs. 


Lastly – make sure all your employees announce it on LinkedIn, too! It doesn’t matter if you have 5 or 500 members of staff (or if it’s just you!). The more people that know about it, the better.

3. Update your social media creative

When you’ve gone through all that effort to upgrade your website, you can’t leave your social channels lingering in the past with old creative. Not only should you announce the launch of your new recruitment website on all your social channels, but you need to make sure you update your social creative, too.


Imagery, tone of voice, videos, job post templates – no matter what it is you’re sharing on social, make sure it’s in line with your new and improved website brand and branding. 


Plus, whenever your recruiters are sharing jobs, make sure they’re sharing jobs listed on your new website and nowhere else. There’s no point in investing in a brilliant new recruitment website with an amazing UX if your recruiters are going to share job adverts from an external job board.

4. Content, content, content

Not only should you be advertising all your live jobs on your website, but you need to be updating all content regularly. Keeping your blog up to date with original, industry-relevant content and your sector pages up to date with keywords is vital to ensure it’s indexed appropriately by Google.


As for your blog content, make sure you aren’t only talking about yourselves. Of course, it’s good to shout about yourself from time to time – but blogs about your services and your company news isn’t going to interest the majority of your audience.


Have a think about your main target audiences, and what they are interested in. For example, if you’re a tech recruitment company – what would a software developer want to read about? Would they want to read about your company winning an award, or about what hiring managers look for specifically on a software developer’s CV?


Be mindful of what you’re sharing to maximise engagement.

5. Make sure people actually share your content

There’s no point creating and publishing content if nobody is ever going to see it. Of course, some content will be accessed via SERPs (don’t know what SERPs are, take a look here), but if you want to get your content quickly noticed by people, the best way to do so is via social media, email campaigns and paid ads.


Social media, of course, is the first go-to. Not only is it instant access to your target market, but the potential with LinkedIn is endless. If you share it with your network of 500 people, that’s 500 people potentially seeing your content. If 50 of those people like or comment on your post, this could also get noticed by the people in their networks, and so on.


So imagine how far your content could go if everyone within your company shares your content with their LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter networks? 


Using an automation tool to share content is the easiest way for recruitment companies to broadcast their blogs to as many people as possible. When it comes to recruiters sharing content, the last thing you want to do is send them email after email asking them to share your blog on LinkedIn when they get a chance.


9 times out of 10, they’ll ignore the email.


Contact Paiger today to find out how we can help your business tell as many people as possible about your new recruitment website.

# Tags: Recruitment

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