Five Ways to Set Up Your Recruitment Business For Success in 2022

Five Ways to Set Up Your Recruitment Business For Success in 2022
Darren Westall October 23, 2021 Recruitment

After the events of the past couple of years, many new recruitment owners and founders will be looking forward to a completely fresh start in the New Year. We take a look at some recruitment tips for 2022 that can help you get a head start on your competitors in the New Year.


The recruitment industry has faced unprecedented challenges since March 2020, with the Financial Services, Engineering and Education sectors particularly badly hit, but generally remains well placed to bounce back bigger and better in 2022. The Government’s Furlough Scheme and the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) have supported some businesses during lockdown but with a recruitment boom anticipated in 2022 there are some very specific measures you can take to ensure you’re on the front foot.

1. Keep up-to-date with the law

Recruitment legislation is changing all the time – think Agency Workers Regulations or, post-Brexit, overseas employees’ right to work in the UK – and it’s a new recruitment owner or founder’s responsibility to make sure that they know all the facts and ensure that they understand them and how they impact their business.

2. Adopt new technology

Embracing new technology is a vital recruitment tip to new owners and business founders in their recruitment strategy. Seismic changes in the way we work have been seen during the last eighteen months and many of them such as video interviewing and remote working have been embraced positively, leading to the possibility of them becoming a permanent part of our working lives. You could consider Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs), chatbots or even Virtual Reality tours of your clients’ premises. 


Thinking creatively about technology can help with both your own recruitment strategy, and that of your clients:

  • Virtual onboarding – use online resources, video conferencing tools and webinars to help new employees understand their role, the company and their terms of service more effectively
  • When you’re posting jobs, consider an automated assistant, (like Paiger!) which will not only check for spelling mistakes and gender bias in advertisements, but will also create eye-catching, hashtagged ads on LinkedIn which link back to your own website via a specific call to action
  • 82 percent of candidates now say that they search for a new job on their mobile phone. However, as 60 percent of people abandon mobile applications because of their complexity or functionality issues with the site, it’s essential that your website is not only easy to navigate, simple to use, but also optimised for smartphones

3. Outsource

Repetitive administrative tasks, such as payroll and finance, can be outsourced, saving your business time and money in the long run and leaving you free to invest in other more creative areas which will benefit your business more. 


It’s also possible to outsource administrative services such as employee screening, updating and amending contracts, dealing with periods of probation, and absence administration such as maternity/paternity leave and annual leave.

4. Train to retain

It’s well documented that businesses who invest in training for their staff enjoy retention rates at least 30 percent and in some cases up to 50 percent higher than those who neglect this vital area. In addition, a culture of continuous learning and development can lead to almost 40 percent more productivity within an organisation. Building training into your recruitment strategy also enables you to control salary costs and avoid a costly recruitment and onboarding process. 


The measurable benefits of training, such as increased revenue and reduced costs, also need to be quantified alongside its less tangible advantages. These include increased feelings of wellbeing among staff, a deeper commitment to the organisation, and higher levels of concentration, leading to fewer staff leaving for rival organisations that will offer them the training and development they require.

5. Get Social

Love it or loathe it Social Media, whether that’s Twitter, LinkedIn or even TikTok, is starting to play a greater role in how recruitment businesses deliver on a day-to-day basis. Including social media within your marketing strategy is an excellent method of promoting your business’s core values and reaching out to potential candidates and clients alike.

Unless you employ a dedicated social media manager – a costly addition in today’s climate – you might struggle to find the time to engage with social media in the manner which can benefit your business the most. If that’s the case, or even if you could just do with additional support in managing your SM accounts, consider the marketing solutions that Paiger comes with, including content sharing, social media scheduling and dedicated-content email creation.

# Tags: Recruitment

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