The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in 2023

The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in 2023
Darren Westall April 11, 2022 Marketing

Thinking about your network when it comes to choosing your posting times is key. It’s best to see what other people in your network are doing and when the most posts seem to be going out, as that in itself could tell you the best time. 


If your ideal customer or client is someone who is often busy during the working day, perhaps posting during their commuter hours or on the weekends might work better for you, as they won’t have time to check their social media feeds during their business hours.


But it is worth thinking about the gaps within the day where your network is likely to check social media, for example, during lunch or commuting hours. You can then begin testing out the times that are likely to work best for your network.


The main thing to remember is it isn’t one-size-fits-all, and if we all posted at the same time that’d be 810 million posts. 

So what is the best time to post on LinkedIn in 2023?

We have found the most engagement on LinkedIn by posting on Tuesdays through Thursdays, between the hours of 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (depending on your time zone).


The worst time to post is on weekends or outside of business hours, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.


If you are looking to post specifically to your industry consider these times: 


The times will alter again depending on your industry. B2C businesses, the best time to post on LinkedIn is between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. but for B2Bs and software companies, you should post outside of business hours for the best leads. 


Posting content at times when your audience is most active will ensure you receive the most views and engagement possible. So testing different times and using your industry’s preferences will help you to perfect the timing of your posts.


For more tips like this one, check out our full LinkedIn Playbook here.

# Tags: Marketing

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