Why Just Posting Your Jobs Isn’t Enough On LinkedIn

Why Just Posting Your Jobs Isn’t Enough On LinkedIn
Leo Nathan August 23, 2022 Recruitment

As we all know, LinkedIn is one of the most imperative tools a recruiter can use. As a professional network with more than 830 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide, the number of people you could potentially connect with is mind-blowing.


One of the most popular forms of content to share on LinkedIn is, of course, job adverts. Whether it’s a full-fledged advert in the Jobs section of the LinkedIn homepage, or an infographic containing some top level details of a role you’re working on, recruiters around the world share thousands of jobs on LinkedIn on a daily basis.


However, as a recruiter, only posting your jobs is no longer enough to reach both active and passive candidates. It’s all well and good sharing jobs for the people who are actually looking for something new, but what about the huge number of people on LinkedIn who may only be looking for jobs in the future?

Why personal branding on Linkedin is essential

This is where personal branding comes in. 


Being present on LinkedIn goes way beyond sharing jobs and occasionally engaging with your connections’ posts. In the world of recruitment, posting on LinkedIn is multifaceted and no one element is more important than the other. For example, sharing jobs may seem like the most vital part of posting on LinkedIn – understandably – but this will only get you so far.


Personal branding includes:


Sharing industry-relevant content – whether it’s an article about something newsworthy in your sector, a video about something educational in your industry or any other form of content, this is the best place to start on LinkedIn outside of sharing jobs. Demonstrating to your network that you are 1) invested in your industry knowledge, and 2) taking the time to share this knowledge with your connections, is a valuable element of a personal brand in recruitment. Connections will, over time, begin to notice the consistency of you posting industry-relevant news – and, when the time comes for them to either look for a new job or help with hiring, your name will be at the forefront of their minds.


Creating and sharing your own content – another way to get your name and face out there is to create and share your own blogs, videos, polls and infographics. Sharing them once in a blue moon simply won’t work – the consistency of sharing your own content is what keeps your name and face known as a trustworthy connection to your audience. For example, if you share weekly blogs about trends in your sector, and a quick weekly video of yourself discussing roles you’re working on this week, your network will begin to recognise you and remember you over time.


Starting or engaging in conversations – one of the main reasons for sharing content on LinkedIn, whether it’s your own content or third party content, is to try and start conversations with both current and potential candidates and clients. However, engaging with other people’s content is just as important as sharing your own. Responding to posts in the comments will broaden your reach and steadily increase your audience and network – be sure to always connect with anyone who has responded to you, or vice versa.

The combination of personal branding and posting jobs on LinkedIn

Posting jobs is one thing. Sharing content and engaging with your network is another. When all of this is combined, you begin to develop your personal brand.


Think of it this way – there are currently around 850,000 recruitment consultants on LinkedIn – 228,000 of which are based in the UK. If you simply post jobs on LinkedIn and hope for the best, your job adverts will get swallowed up with all other jobs and content on people’s feeds. If, however, you invest in your personal brand and share relevant, interesting, educational or entertaining content, people will begin to recognise you and associate you with the sectors you are posting about.


The aim is to be visible to not only your active candidates and clients, but passive too. Even if they don’t need your services right now, if they’ve seen you on their feeds enough, it’ll be your name and face that comes to mind when the time comes.

Get in touch

Along with auto job posting, Paiger also provides content curation and social media scheduling as just a few of our products. This is why we have such strong relationships with recruiters and marketers all over the UK. If you are looking to improve your LinkedIn personal brand and want to find out more about how we can help, book a demo.

# Tags: Recruitment

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