How Social Networks Provide The Best Quantity And Quality Mix For Recruiters

How Social Networks Provide The Best Quantity And Quality Mix For Recruiters
Kieron Mayers March 28, 2023 Recruitment

In a world of talent shortages and hiring freezes, finding good quality candidates can be hard.


But unless you live on the moon your best tool is one you likely are already using.


The tool is of course LinkedIn. 


With roughly 135 million active working professionals interacting daily with organisations and each other, LinkedIn is basically a massive pond with loads of big fish.


But if you do live on the moon, or you’re a recruiter operating without LinkedIn, firstly, why and how did you get to that position? And secondly we’re about to tell you why it’s crucial for you to be active on LinkedIn and why it’s the best place (on Earth) to find the best candidates.

Big or Small, You Can Make a Splash

Let’s start off by quashing a small worry you may have. 


Bigger organisations won’t be hoovering all the best candidates.


Research shows that both large and small organisations report high quantity and quality of candidates sourced from LinkedIn.


If you’re smart with what you’ve got, good candidates will find you. That’s why it is so important to remain an active voice and share content valuable to those you are looking to attract. 

It’s The Best Place To Find Candidates For Skilled Or Senior Roles

So you’re on LinkedIn publishing great content to a network of working professionals. Good for you! 


But who can you expect? How can you gauge if the candidates you’re attracting are good? 


Most active users on LinkedIn take their careers seriously. And while younger professionals in entry level positions are nothing to turn your nose up to. The vast majority of LinkedIn users operate in either, senior, executive roles or skilled, technical roles. Meaning you can get really specific on the sorts of roles you want to appeal to.


Looking for some mechanical engineers? Have a look at the hundreds of mechanical engineer groups. 


Looking for high level decision makers? Subscribe to their newsletter, or share their content. 


Whoever it is you’re looking for, LinkedIn is all but guaranteed to offer an active audience.

Measuring Performance Correlates With Better Performance

LinkedIn loves it when you spend a lot of time on it. It can tell when you’re putting effort in. And that’s really important.


There is a direct correlation between companies and agencies that measure the performance of their LinkedIn work. Simply put, if you regularly measure your output the higher quality candidates you will attract.


Look out for engagement above all else. If something you tested doesn’t work, amend it and try again. If it continues not to work, go back to the drawing board. 


Ultimately, if you’re not optimising your LinkedIn performance you’re missing out big time. 


Yes there is a talent shortage, people with the right skills are hard to find. But the best possible start you can make in combating this is through LinkedIn. 


So start today!

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# Tags: Recruitment

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