Building Credibility as a New Recruiter via Your Personal Brand

Building Credibility as a New Recruiter via Your Personal Brand
Rohit Kapoor May 20, 2022 Marketing

If you’re new to the recruitment world – congratulations! You are now working in an industry where hard work and ambition will be met with training and development to help you get your career off to an amazing start. The opportunities with a recruitment career are endless, and now is the time to sit down, buckle in and get to work.


You’re probably overrun with training sessions and in-person coaching sessions to help you get to grips with the industries you’re recruiting in – the first few months of any recruitment job will be complete information overload. Be sure to write down as much as you can, and most importantly – practice, practice, practice.


Along with learning how to source candidates and speak to clients, it’s also a good idea to start working on your personal branding as soon as possible to be able to build and nurture relationships with people in your key sectors.


Let us explain.

What is personal branding?

From a recruitment perspective, especially on LinkedIn, personal branding is how you appear to your current and potential clients and candidates. Expanding your network on LinkedIn as a recruiter is invaluable; if you work in tech recruitment, for example, and consistently connect with potential clients and candidates, you’re on the right track.


However, personal branding is about more than expanding your network – it’s about the content you’re sharing, the posts you’re engaging with and what all of this combined can do for you as a new recruiter.

Be visible

Many recruiters make the mistake of neglecting their personal brand because they’re under the impression that they need to create original and innovative content on a daily basis, but this isn’t the case. Content creation is time consuming, and whilst it’ll definitely give you a competitive advantage it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be churning out videos, blogs and polls to be seen and noticed.


Being visible on LinkedIn can also be commenting on people’s posts, sharing content from other people’s profiles or company pages, staying in touch with candidates and clients via LinkedIn messages and posting your own content whenever possible. The trick is to remain consistent with your visibility – not to become a videographer, copywriter, graphic designer and recruiter all in one.

Reach more candidates

LinkedIn is a never-ending talent pool just waiting for you to take a dip. Through posting details of jobs you’re recruiting for and connecting with professionals in your target industries and sectors, over time you’ll begin to reach more and more candidates.


The key to introducing yourself to new connections is to not oversell yourself – send them a quick intro message with a short amount of information about what you do and your contact details, and leave it at that.

Show expertise to future candidates

You never know what you post or share on LinkedIn could be a great selling point for yourself to future candidates. For example, any industry news or sector insights either from external sources or from your own research can pinpoint you as a thought-leading recruiter in your space.


Make sure you share any candidate feedback and testimonials you receive, too – if there’s a marketing team in your company, ask if they can turn your testimonials into a branded image with your company logo. Alternatively, use Canva to make something cool and eye-catching that looks better than a normal status update.

Stay competitive

Keeping an eye on what your competition is doing will always give you some ideas on what you do and don’t want to be doing from a recruiter personal branding point of view. For example, if you see a particular content format or blog series that you think is engaging for clients and candidates, we aren’t saying you should rip off their idea completely – but using it as inspiration isn’t against the law.


Don’t be scared to do something a little different, too. If you want to post a quick video of yourself introducing a new job you’re working on and ask candidates to apply by directly messaging you, do it – even if no-one else in your company is doing anything similar. Don’t be afraid to stand out if you want to be a successful recruiter.

Nurture client relationships

LinkedIn is a great place to nurture existing and potential future client relationships. Sharing your own content on your profile that you know particular clients will be interested in is a great idea, but also sending specific articles or industry insights and reports directly to clients that you think they’ll find useful is a great way to keep them on side.


The key to a recruiter’s personal branding is not only network building and engaging with content, but also directly contacting people via social channels to ensure the algorithm favours your name and profile when they’re signed in. Keep yourself at the forefront of your clients’ minds without them realising!

Get in touch

Here at Paiger, our product offers a range of beneficial services for recruiters including content scheduling, content curation and auto job posting to save you a huge amount of time. Get in touch and book a free demo to find out more.

# Tags: Marketing

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