The Paiger Blog

Recruitment, Sales & Marketing Insights

Resilience and risk-taking in recruitment: a conversation with Will Pearce

We recently sat down with Will Pearce in our ‘Pint With Paiger’ podcast. In the episode, we chatted about his recruitment career. Starting as a receptionist, it wasn’t long before he became a recruiter. After…

Paiger acquires The Lonely Marketers

Today we’re announcing that the recruitment marketing community we’ve supported for the last few years is now part of Paiger.   The Lonely Marketers is an amazing professional community, and one which we value incredibly…

The power of the personal brand in recruitment

Picture personal branding as your secret superpower. It’s like crafting your very own superhero identity, but instead of fighting crime, you’re conquering the recruitment space! Personal branding is all about intentionally shaping and managing your…

The Revolutionary Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Marketing

Dreams do come true. Remember those sci-fi movies on AI that looked so far-fetched and unrealistic? Well, they’re our reality today. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now being used to transform business practices and processes, and…

The Market Will Turn Eventually. What Are You Doing Now, To Ensure You Are Remembered?

The UK employment market is caught in a paradox. On the one hand, unemployment remains at its lowest level since 1974. On the other, job vacancies, according to the Office for National Statistics, are at…

I’m A Top Biller, Why Do I Need To Use LinkedIn To Market Myself?

As a recruiter, it’s tempting to take your foot off the pedal and coast when you’re billing well. However, it’s essential to remember that the recruitment landscape is constantly changing. 72% of recruiters use LinkedIn…

How To Start Posting On LinkedIn

Did you know that LinkedIn currently has more than 900 million members? And it’s growing more and more every day. But many people are scared to post on LinkedIn.    Being a LinkedIn lurker over…

How To Make Your LinkedIn Posts Stand Out

LinkedIn is a crowded place. If you want to stand out, how you post is just as important as what you post.     The average attention span being just 8 seconds long, so a scroll-stopping…

How Social Networks Provide The Best Quantity And Quality Mix For Recruiters

In a world of talent shortages and hiring freezes, finding good quality candidates can be hard.   But unless you live on the moon your best tool is one you likely are already using.  …

3 Strategies For Utilising Technology For Recruitment Marketing

Sometimes it can seem like the phrase “technology” is intimidatingly huge, and if we’re honest it is.    It can often seem like a catch-all phrase for anything that contains a basic amount of processing…